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Ethiopian scientist Gebisa Ejeta honored by President Biden with prestigious award

Ethiopian scientist Gebisa Ejeta honored by President Biden with prestigious award

CNN — 

Earlier this week, Ethiopian Gebisa Ejeta joined an elite group of scientists when he was honored by US President Joe Biden in a ceremony at the White House. Ejeta, along with eight others, was awarded the National Medal of Science on Tuesday, the highest scientific honor in the nation.

Born and raised in rural west-central Ethiopia, Ejeta has dedicated his life’s work to food science – specifically the study of sorghum, a gluten-free ancient grain. He was a 2009 recipient of the World Food Prize for his work with drought- and parasite-resistant hybrid strains. That same year, he was awarded Ethiopia’s National Hero Award.

“Gebisa Ejeta is one of the most impactful geneticists in the world,” said Mung Chiang, president of Purdue University in the US, where Ejeta has been a researcher and faculty member since 1984.

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