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ITU Reiterates Commitment to Support Ethiopia’s Digitalization Ambitions

ITU Reiterates Commitment to Support Ethiopia’s Digitalization Ambitions

Addis Ababa, November 27/2023 (ENA) The International Telecommunication Union is working in tandem with the government of Ethiopia to get the most out of the nation’s huge potential and realize the national digital strategy, ITU Regional Director for Africa Anne-Rachel Inne said.

To use the benefit of the digital world, Ethiopia has adopted a Digital Transformation Strategy 2025.

The Digital Ethiopia Strategy 2025 is designed to realize the country’s digital potential and leverage technology to build digital economic development aligned with national development plans.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Inne said Ethiopia is definitely one of the biggest populations on the continent and it is important that we cater with the government and to the priorities of the government.

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