Number of Visitors 570K +

Number of Visits 1.4 Million +

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Ethiopia is the Complete Wanderlust Package

Ethiopia is the Complete Wanderlust Package

The high-walled city of Harar is spectacularly lined with a plethora of mosques and ancient buildings – 99 mosques and shrines to be exact. Known for its famous array of markets, the famous Hyena Men, ancient paintings and artefacts spanning all cultures, it’s easy to get lost in the never-ending maze of the winding streets of Harar.Most travellers from within Ethiopia will come to Harar from one of two places: Dire Dawa or Addis Ababa, and the journey could be up to 15 hours by bus. One activity you can do while you are there is actually feeding hyenas. This activity has its origins in the 20th century when the Harari people started feeding the local hyenas to stop them from killing their livestock.

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