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Adwa Victory Memorial Manifestation of Ethiopia’s Pioneer Role for Pan-Africanism, Says World Black People Center

Adwa Victory Memorial Manifestation of Ethiopia’s Pioneer Role for Pan-Africanism, Says World Black People Center

Addis Ababa February 10/20224 (ENA) Adwa Victory Memorial erected in Addis Ababa signifies the contribution that Ethiopia has pioneered to Pan-Africanist movement, according to World Black People Center.

President of the Global Black Center, based in Addis Ababa, Tsagaye Chama recalled that historians describe the victory of Adwa as a new departure for changing the old narratives and laying foundation for anti-clonial movement of the black people around the world.

The victory of Adwa is a legacy that transcends time for Ethiopia, awakening the Pan-African movement and emancipation of all black people across the world, Tsagaye said.

He added the establishment of Adwa Victory Memorial in Addis Ababa has immense contribution serving as hub for history, heritage, and education of the global black people.

According to him, the victory memorial attests Ethiopia’s leading role in the movement of Pan-Africanism.

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