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eQub App Vaults to Finals at Mobile World Congress Pitch Battles

eQub App Vaults to Finals at Mobile World Congress Pitch Battles

eQub, a fintech startup aiming to digitize peer-to-peer saving groups and lending circles, has been selected as one of the top finalists for the 4YFN 2024 pitch battle taking place at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain.

eQub, selected in the FinTech category alongside four startups from Benin, Spain, Azerbaijan, and the US, will participate in the pitch on Monday, February 26, 2024. The winners will be announced on Wednesday.

“The competition will shine a spotlight on our startup as a competent player in the fintech landscape. It will also bring great interest towards the Ethiopian startup ecosystem,” says Alexander Hizkias, CEO and Co-founder of eQub. “Furthermore, it will also help us in our fundraising as well as collaboration efforts as the conference brings in industry veterans, investors & fellow startups,” he added.

According to Alexander, this is a good nudge for them to keep pushing their objective of providing digital access to savings and credit. eQub is an alternate social savings app that digitizes the traditional rotating practice of savings and credit associations (ROSCAs) for the digital age, enabling easy saving, secured access, and building financial security collectively.

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