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Ethiopian scholars foster cultural exchanges between China, Ethiopia

Ethiopian scholars foster cultural exchanges between China, Ethiopia

When Melaku Mulualem first arrived in China in 2011 to study at the China Foreign Affairs University, little did he know that this journey would be the beginning of a transformative experience, leading him to become a cultural ambassador between two nations thousands of kilometers apart.

Reflecting on his initial impressions of a “completely different China,” Mulualem, now a senior researcher in international relations and diplomacy at the Ethiopian Institute of Foreign Affairs, acknowledged that his time in China not only broadened his academic horizons but also deepened his understanding of Chinese culture and its people.

“Before studying in China, my knowledge of the Chinese people and government was limited. But now, I am proud to be one of the few scholars who have published a book on Ethiopia-China relations,” Mulualem said.

The book, “Africa-China Relations – Ethiopia as a Case Study,” was published recently with support from the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia. It highlights the diverse and historic ties between China and Ethiopia, as well as the broader China-Africa relations, exploring various aspects of engagement between the two sides.

Since his initial educational journey to China, Mulualem has returned to the Asian country seven times, participating in international seminars, training programs and other events. Through these experiences and engagements with Chinese counterparts, he has developed a profound understanding of China and its people, fueling his desire to bridge the cultural gap between Ethiopia and China.

Mulualem believes that Ethiopian and Chinese scholars, particularly those familiar with each other’s cultures, have a dual responsibility to serve as bridges and shape the narrative of the mutually beneficial relationship between both sides.

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