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WB-funded E-commerce Platform Targets to Reach 300,000 SMEs in Ethiopia

WB-funded E-commerce Platform Targets to Reach 300,000 SMEs in Ethiopia

An ambitious project, funded by the World Bank, is developing an e-commerce platform with the goal of reaching 300,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the country.

The project, which brings several organizations into collaboration, has contracted Africom Technologies, an Ethiopian IT solutions provider, to build the new national e-commerce platform.

“E-commerce holds immense untapped potential in Ethiopia,” said Baheru Zeynu, CEO of Africom Technologies. “This collaboration between government and private actors creates a unique opportunity to unlock this potential nationwide.”

The platform will create a domestic and international digital marketplace specifically for SMEs by providing a robust online platform.

Development for the platform officially kicks off tomorrow, May 29, 2024. With a construction timeframe of one year, the platform is expected to be fully operational by the designated launch date, and over 40 developers will contribute to the development process, according to Baheru.

The contract was officially signed two weeks prior. The agreement involves Ethiopian Enterprise Development (EED) under the Ministry of Industry, along with a joint venture between Africom Technologies PLC and CSM Technologies. Ethiopost, the national postal service will be the delivery partner.

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