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A candlelit Orthodox Christmas in D.C. with an Ethiopian vibe

A candlelit Orthodox Christmas in D.C. with an Ethiopian vibe

As most of D.C. slept early Sunday morning, incense clouded the massive hall at an Ethiopian cathedral in Northeast Washington, and hundreds of parishioners dressed in white chanted to a rhythmic drumbeat in celebration of Orthodox Christmas.

According to the Julian calendar, used by Ethiopians, Russian and some Eastern Orthodox, the birth of Jesus is celebrated Jan. 7, often with an overnight service and Mass.

Late Saturday into the wee hours of Sunday, a meditative veil fell over worshipers at Debre Meheret Kedus Michael Ethiopian Orthodox Cathedral.

Worshipers of all ages in gauzy layers, representing the light of Jesus, began filing into the hall at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, stashing shoes in plastic bags and settling in for eight hours of chanting and declarations in the liturgical language of Ge’ez. White-socked feet shuffled on burgundy carpet.

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