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A unique educational initiative inaugurated at Rambam

A unique educational initiative inaugurated at Rambam

In an exciting collaboration between Rambam Health Care Campus (Rambam) in Haifa, Israel, the Boston-Haifa Connection (BHC), the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, a unique educational initiative – a Hebrew literacy course for Rambam employees of Ethiopian descent – has been inaugurated.

Thanks to the Haifa chapter of the BHC (The Israeli office of CJP- Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston), twenty students, aged 30-50, mainly from Rambam’s Housekeeping and Custodian Department, will immerse themselves in 150 hours of Hebrew language study and develop their computer skills.

The BHC sees great importance in promoting equal educational and employment opportunities for Ethiopian immigrants and providing additional opportunities for veteran immigrants who still need to improve their language skills.

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