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Affordable Food Brand in Addis Ababa, Tapu, Joins beU

Affordable Food Brand in Addis Ababa, Tapu, Joins beU

Tapu Foods, a popular brand in the capital that specializes in preparing and packaging local cuisine, has onboarded itself on the online food delivery platform beU Delivery. Customers looking to save a few bucks can now have the affordably priced meals delivered straight to their doors.

Tapu’s budget-friendly lunch boxes have gained popularity in recent years, especially as urban residents face rising living costs. With many meal options starting at just 105 birr, the brand frequently draws long queues at its 11 outlet stores across Addis Ababa.

Yemisrach Abera founded Tapu Foods seventeen years ago under an eponymous holding business that looked to bring traditional homemade recipes to a wider audience. What started off with a few select local holiday meals has now expanded to around 55 product lines, 44 cooks, and 11 outlet stores.

Beamlak Ashenafi, Marketing Director at Tapu Foods, notes that while the lunch boxes have been available for nearly three years, their popularity has surged only recently.

Urbanites dealing with double-digit inflation rates for nearly five years have taken a liking to the high-quality meals available at a fraction of restaurant prices.

“We had barely done any marketing,” Beamlak told Shega.

She adds that increased customer demand and growing delivery requests need a partner like beU.

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