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መልካም አዲስ አመት 2017

ለእርስዎ እና ለቤተሰብዎ ወቅታዊ የመረጃ ምንጭ

እንኳን  ወደ ድህረገጻችን  በደህና  መጡ

Featured Services
ልዩ አገልግሎቶች

Recommended Services
የተመረጡ አገልግሎቶች

Recommended Services

Summary of Real Estate Offerings

Number of years in service

Number of Completed Projects

To be updated

Projects Under Construction

To be updated

Property Category

Residential Properties

Property Type

Apartment/Condo/Town House

Location of the Property

To be updated

Property Site Name

To be updated

Property Price (Range)

To be updated


To be updated

Expected Delivery Time

To be updated
Legal Compliance and Documentation
  • To be updated
Payment and Financing Options
  • To be updated
Terms of Delivery
  • To be updated
Industry Awards and Recognition
  • To be updated

Apartment/Condominiums/Town Houses

Number of years in service

Number of Completed Projects

To be updated

Projects Under Construction

To be updated

Property Category

Residential Properties

Property Type

Apartment/Condo/Town House

Location of the Property

To be updated

Property Site Name

To be updated

Property Price (Range)

To be updated


To be updated

Expected Delivery Time

To be updated
Legal Compliance and Documentation
  • To be updated
Payment and Financing Options
  • To be updated
Terms of Delivery
  • To be updated
Industry Awards and Recognition
  • To be updated


Number of years in service

Number of Completed Projects

To be updated

Projects Under Construction

To be updated

Property Category

Residential Properties

Property Type

Apartment/Condo/Town House

Location of the Property

To be updated

Property Site Name

To be updated

Property Price (Range)

To be updated


To be updated

Expected Delivery Time

To be updated
Legal Compliance and Documentation
  • To be updated
Payment and Financing Options
  • To be updated
Terms of Delivery
  • To be updated
Industry Awards and Recognition
  • To be updated

Office Spaces/Retail Spaces

Number of years in service

Number of Completed Projects

To be updated

Projects Under Construction

To be updated

Property Category

Residential Properties

Property Type

Apartment/Condo/Town House

Location of the Property

To be updated

Property Site Name

To be updated

Property Price (Range)

To be updated


To be updated

Expected Delivery Time

To be updated
Legal Compliance and Documentation
  • To be updated
Payment and Financing Options
  • To be updated
Terms of Delivery
  • To be updated
Industry Awards and Recognition
  • To be updated