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British army told to hand back ‘looted’ Ethiopian treasures in growing reparations row

British army told to hand back ‘looted’ Ethiopian treasures in growing reparations row

The British Army has been told to hand back “looted” treasures from Ethiopia in a growing reparations row.

After defeating an Ethiopian emperor during an 1868 expedition, regiments and corps plundered his fortress capital of Magdala.

The Royal Engineers and Scots Dragoon Guards kept the stolen artefacts that are now stored in their regimental museums.

However, the Ethiopian government will now demand the treasures be returned. They will need to persuade unit veterans and serving officers to hand back the items.

This comes after The Telegraph revealed that Ethiopian officials were also seeking the return of items which form part of the King’s Royal Collection.

Officials in Addis Ababa may approach the Ministry of Defence for assistance with their campaign.

These demands will form part of a diplomatic move led by the Ministry of Tourism’s Ethiopian Heritage Authority, which will ask for help from the Labour Government to support returns.

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