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Commercial Bank of Ethiopia introduces Adjustments to Service Charges

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia introduces Adjustments to Service Charges

The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia on Thursday introduced an adjustment to service charges. This will be effective as of Ethiopia’s new fiscal year in late July this year.

The information released in connection with the changes indicates some services that used to be free will remain free while others are subject to service charges. The changes are mostly reflected in mobile banking.

Withdrawals of any authorized amount will remain free. On the other hand, mobile money transfers that used to be free, will now be subject to service charges.

Digital Banking account-to-account transfers between 1 birr and 10,000 birr used to be free. As of next week, the bank will start charging 3 birr. The highest fee in this category is 20 Ethiopian birr and is applicable for transfers of more than 300,000 Ethiopian birr.

Mobile transfers from the account to Tele Birr and other wallets will be charging fees too. The maximum is 15 birr for a transfer of 10,000 birr and above.

Transfer through “Internet Baking,” as the bank calls it, to accounts with other Banks does not seem to see major changes.

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