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Dubai International Chamber supports expansion of UAE’s Mars Food Industries into Ethiopian market

Dubai International Chamber supports expansion of UAE’s Mars Food Industries into Ethiopian market

Dubai International Chamber, one of the three chambers operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chambers, has successfully unlocked access to the Ethiopian market for the UAE’s Mars Food Industries. The chamber helped facilitate the export of baby food products produced and manufactured in the UAE by the company’s Miralac brand to the East African nation, marking its first deal on the African continent.

Dubai Chambers hosted the signing of a commercial cooperation agreement between Mars Food Industries and Tana Ekt Trading, which will market and distribute Miralac baby food products in Ethiopia. The company is set to cater to a growing demand created by the country’s young population and the lack of availability of nutritious ready-made baby foods.

The Dubai Business Forum, which was organised by Dubai Chambers last year, served as a valuable platform to introduce Mars Food Industries to the Ethiopian market. During the event, Dubai International Chamber arranged bilateral business meetings between the company and a group of potential partners in Ethiopia, which resulted in the signing of a marketing and distribution agreement for Miralac baby food products with Tana Ekt Trading. The first shipment of Miralac products has since been exported to Ethiopia.

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