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Ethiopia Launches timbuktoo Pan-African ManuTech Hub

Ethiopia Launches timbuktoo Pan-African ManuTech Hub

Addis Ababa, 23 November 2024 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Industry, in collaboration with the inter-ministerial startup committee, have launched a hub to catalyze innovation and collaboration around manufacturing technology in Africa.

The pan-African timbuktoo ManuTech Hub will be hosted by the Government of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa, commonly referred to as the political capital of Africa.

ManuTech resonates with Ethiopia’s ambition to become a light manufacturing hub in Africa which has been demonstrated through investments made to establish several industrial parks.

The Ministry of Industry has committed to providing space for constructing a timbuktoo hub, which is expected to be finalised by early 2025 to welcome the first cohort selected from across Africa.

The ManuTech Hub call for applications was announced during a public consultation on Ethiopia’s startup proclamation.

The hub will provide an enabling environment for innovation and strengthen the business case for African startups that are using technology to source solutions for the continent’s manufacturing sector.

Hub participants are selected bi-annually from across Africa through an open and competitive process.

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