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Ethiopia: Seed-cleaning machine generates additional income and services

Ethiopia: Seed-cleaning machine generates additional income and services

For the past 19 years, Wirtu Kechema Seed Multiplication Cooperative in Ethiopia has been involved in the seed multiplication business. As a result, this cooperative has developed seed multiplication techniques and has increased members’ income.

After production, value addition is an important activity to attract more buyers and maintain the quality of the seed. The processing of the seed involves cleaning, grading, treating, packaging, and storing operations. Processing is a value-adding activity that improves the physical purity and health of seed stock by removing various contaminants like undersized and shriveled grains, inert matter, and seeds of other crops.

Spotting opportunities
Board members together with the team of Agriterra cooperative advisors claim to have identified an opportunity to enhance sustainable service provision for members and generate additional income for the cooperative. This involves activating a seed-cleaning machine that has remained idle since the cooperative’s establishment due to the lack of three-phase electricity.

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