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Ethiopia Startup Ecosystem- A Report by JICA & MInT

Ethiopia Startup Ecosystem- A Report by JICA & MInT

JICA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Ethiopia (MInT), recently conducted a study called “JICA Ethiopia Startup Ecosystem Study” under JICA’s project NINJA (Next Innovation with Japan). As part of this study, a summary and detailed documents have been released. These documents provide valuable insights into the startup ecosystem and business environment for startups in Ethiopia.

As the world continues to undergo digital transformation (DX), there is a growing interest in new businesses that leverage technology. Investors from Europe and the United States are increasingly focusing on the potential market in Africa. Ethiopia, with a population of approximately 112 million, has a large enough market for startups to develop their businesses. Moreover, the country has been transitioning towards a digital economy in recent years, thanks to improvements in the telecommunications environment and government policies. As a result, it is one of the countries with the greatest business potential. This report will provide you access to 300 Ethiopian startups and 80 stakeholders in the startup ecosystem.

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