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Ethiopia: Upper House votes to form 12th regional state

Ethiopia: Upper House votes to form 12th regional state

Ethiopia’s upper house of parliament on Wednesday “unanimously” gave the green light to the creation of a 12th regional state, called the “Southern Ethiopian Region”, after a recent referendum in the south of the country.

“Considering the desire expressed through a referendum by six zones and five special districts previously integrated into the SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region), the House of Federation has accepted (…) that they organize themselves in (new) regional state”, announces the Upper House in a press release.

These six zones and five districts will therefore form the “Southern Ethiopian Region”, continues the Chamber, without specifying the terms or deadlines for this future organization. The inhabitants of the areas concerned had been called upon to decide on February 6 by referendum on their regrouping within a new region and had very massively expressed themselves in favor of it.

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