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Ethiopian-Owned Lucy Coffee House Opens in Aurora

Ethiopian-Owned Lucy Coffee House Opens in Aurora

After years as a coffee roaster and wholesale supplier, Lucy Coffee opened a brick-and-mortar cafe at 14048 East Mississippi Avenue in Aurora earlier this month.

Co-owners Mickias (Micki) Alamirew and and his wife, Mehret (Mercy), both emigrated from Ethiopia in the ’90s and met through the Ethiopian community in Aurora. Now they’re hoping their shop can provide a gathering place for immigrants not only from Ethiopia, but all over the world.

Alamirew also owns a limo service, and the couple has four daughters under the age of eight, including one-year-old twins. They began roasting coffee in 2018, sourcing their beans from a farm in Yirgacheffe, a region in southern Ethiopia that is well known in the coffee world for producing distinctively floral, fruity beans.

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