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Ethiopian wins ‘Best Entertainment’ and ‘Best Wi-Fi’ in Africa

Ethiopian wins ‘Best Entertainment’ and ‘Best Wi-Fi’ in Africa

Ethiopian Airlines has collaborated with multiple service providers to cater to the diverse demographics and passenger tastes. Ethiopian introduced onboard Wi-Fi connectivity using the latest state-of-the-art broadband satellite technology (Ka-band), allowing passengers to enjoy reliable connectivity for sending emails, shopping online, or even chatting on social media while flying over the clouds.

Mesfin Tasew, Group chief executive officer, said: “Elevating passenger experience is a top priority at Ethiopian Airlines. Offering a range of entertainment options, Ethiopian has always strived to create a more enjoyable and immersive inflight experience enabling passengers to relax during long flights. As we will continue to enhance the passenger experience and set new standards in the industry, I express my gratitude to our dedicated team for making this achievement possible.”

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