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Ethiopia’s Manufacturing Sector Finds Solutions in Locally Assembled CNC Machines

Ethiopia’s Manufacturing Sector Finds Solutions in Locally Assembled CNC Machines

A local enterprise spearheads solutions to industrial hurdles by assembling Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, —computer-controlled devices that automate the production of parts and products.

Primetech Engineering is carving out a lucrative niche, helping industries save significant foreign currency while reducing waste and power consumption. CNC machines are versatile tools used across various industries to cut materials such as metal, wood, plastic, and foam.

Eba Hunde, Primetech’s founding CEO, got insights into the difficulties of the industrial sector in Ethiopia while studying at Addis Ababa Science & Technology University. Upon watching several online videos of CNC machines, he recognized the potential benefits of customizing them to the local context.

“Local assembly cuts costs by as much as half,” Eba told Shega.

The prospective engineer managed to win financial awards from the university on two occasions for his explorations into CNC machines.

Primetech currently operates out of a 1000-square-meter workshop around the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation building in the Shegole area. The company imports computer processors and flamethrower nozzles from China and Europe, while most other parts are locally produced.

Due to their customizable nature, the company’s products have quickly found a market in construction, furniture, and metalworking workshops.

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