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French Dev’t Agency Reaffirms Commitment to Strengthen Partnership with Ethiopia

French Dev’t Agency Reaffirms Commitment to Strengthen Partnership with Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, December 27/2023(ENA) The French Development Agency (AFD) has reaffirmed dedication to strengthening its comprehensive development collaboration with the Ethiopian government.

Minister of Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa and State Minister, Nemera Gebeyehu exchanged views with Director of AFD for Ethiopia, Louis Anthony Sochet on the ongoing collaboration.

On the occasion Fitsum, highlighting the enduring cooperative relationship between Ethiopia and France, expressed that it is continuously evolving.

She particularly emphasized AFD’s crucial support for Ethiopia’s Home-Grown Economic Reforms.

The Minister conveyed gratitude for the technical assistance provided during the program’s first phase and requested the continuation of such support in the second phase of the reform.

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