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Habesha Legal Advocates LLP

Habesha Legal Advocates (HLA) is the Pioneer law firm in Ethiopia. It is established by Qualified and Licensed Lawyers having equal share but with diversified expertise in several fields of law; to name a few, Civil, Criminal, Commercial, Tax and Custom, Employment and Labor, and Administrative Law.


HLA is now gearing toward Serving Corporate Legal Matters; Matters ranging from Merger and Acquisitions while expanding; Review and drafting of MOU and Contractual documents; preparing and reviewing letters pertaining to rights and obligations; and representing the client before administrative organs and/or Court of Law.


Furthermore, it is worth noting here that our office conducts legal risk and compliance assessments and reports the findings along with recommendations. Now HLA, fulfilling the requirement for registration, has secured it license, as a pioneer Law Firm, from the FDRE Ministry of Justice in compliance with Proclamation 1249/2013, on April 6/2022. To this effect, HLA is now offering legal services and solutions in its name to clients.


HLA provides premium value-added legal service solutions. Our Law Firm service delivery is not only comprehensive & value added on, but also best suits you and your particular legal problem.


  • Corporate & Transactional Laws
  • Financial Services Laws
  • Laws of Financial Services Category
  • Special Area Laws and Strategic Laws
  • Representations, Dispute Settlement & Resolutions

State/Region - ግዛት

  • Addis Ababa


Taos Tower Building 3rd Floor Room #3, 19, Addis Ababa.


Addis Ababa