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JAD Business and Investment Consulting PLC – Ensuring Best Consultancy Services for Our Clients


JAD Business and Investment Consulting PLC

We Ensure Best Consultancy Services for Our Clients

The founders and members of the consultation team are infusing their senior level consultancy service skills gained from both local and international exposures and companies. In addition, the consultant team engages more technical specialists and experts to provide superior consultancy services in accordance with the scopes and domains of assignments.

We Provide Professional Consultancy Service

We have a proven track record of executing various consultancy service assignments on business, investment, marketing, finance, and development works. The founders and consultancy team members are injecting their senior consultancy service practices learned from both local and international exposures and organizations. The consultant team also engages more technical specialists and expertise for superior consultancy services performance as per scopes and areas of assignments.

We dedicated the consultant team members’ time, knowledge, exposure, and experience to provide quality consultancy service. Our consultant team members have local and international exposures, proven experience, and a co-working attitude that will be reflected in the quality of our services.

State/Region - ግዛት

  • Addis Ababa


Addis Ababa - Ethiopia


Addis Ababa