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Hacking Traditional Ethiopian Superfood To Make Instant Bread

Hacking Traditional Ethiopian Superfood To Make Instant Bread

A former Israel Defense Forces officer is determined to enrich the diet of the combat soldiers he once trained by revolutionizing the recipe for traditional Ethiopian flatbread he ate at home growing up.

Injera is a spongy, slightly sour flatbread made from the seeds of teff grass, a staple in the Ethiopian and Eritrean diet and native to both countries. It is eaten as a main meal and as an accompaniment to traditional dishes in both countries.Teff grain is gluten-free and considered a superfood, due to its high iron and fiber content, as well as large amounts of minerals such as calcium, copper and zinc. Because it contains all of the essential amino acids the human body needs for cell growth, it is also classed as a complete protein.

But making the flatbread takes up to three days, due to a lengthy fermentation process that occurs when teff flour is mixed with water and left to stand.

And for Daniel Ishta, the amount of preparation time was an obstacle he had to overcome in his mission to get the flatbread into the hands – and the bellies – of the troops.

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