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Health Ministry Urges Collaboration of Partners to Eliminate HIV/AIDS from Ethiopia

Health Ministry Urges Collaboration of Partners to Eliminate HIV/AIDS from Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, December 1 /2023 (ENA) Health Minister Lia Tadesse has called on further collaboration of development partners to eliminate HIV AIDS from Ethiopia.

In her remarks on World AIDS Day commemorated in Addis Ababa today, Health Minister Dr. Lia Tadesse said the day is observed to remember the contributions and leadership of communities in the progress made in HIV AIDS prevention and control globally and in Ethiopia.

“Ethiopia has had significant progress and strides in terms of reducing the incidence and reducing mortality from HIV AIDS. This was possible because of the strong political and government commitment, but combined with our strong partnership with diverse partners.”

The prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS, which was 1.26 percent in 2010 has declined to 0.91 percent in 2022, it was learned.

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