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Hundreds marry in traditional Ethiopian mass wedding ceremony

Hundreds marry in traditional Ethiopian mass wedding ceremony

Hundreds of couples gathered in Ethiopia’s capital on Sunday to take part in a traditional mass wedding ceremony, the first such event in a decade, according to the organisers and participants.

Dressed in traditional white clothes, the couples sang and danced in the streets outside the venue before the ceremony began, bringing together Ethiopians from around the country.

Yakob Tesfaye and Lidet Tagel, both 21, travelled to Addis Ababa from the western region of Gambella for the ceremony, which was sponsored by events organiser Yament Private Limited and state broadcaster EBC.

“This is a huge opportunity for us to see all the tribes from different regions, also to get sponsorship from the organisers because we didn’t have much of a budget to get married,” Yakob told AFP.

The organisers said they were keen to bring back mass weddings following a decline accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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