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Ingredients in Focus: Teff

Ingredients in Focus: Teff

A tiny cereal grain from Ethiopia and Eritrea called teff is quickly gaining steam as an ingredient with chefs and consumers looking for healthy and sustainable ingredients — especially as climate change and disruptive weather threatens mainstream wheat crops.

The teff market is expected to grow 11% annually, from $1.5 billion in 2023 to $3.5 billion in 2030, according to market research firm IndustryARC. Much of that growth is being driven by an increased demand for gluten-free products and an expansion in teff cultivation worldwide.

Teff is an ancient grain believed to have been domesticated around 4000 and 1000 BCE. It can thrive in a variety of environments. It has been cultivated for thousands of years in Ethiopia, and is the main ingredient in injera, a spongy, pancake-like flatbread with a slightly sour flavor that is a mainstay of the national cuisine.

According to the United Nations, teff consumption accounts for two-thirds of the protein intake in the Ethiopian diet. In addition to injera, teff is also eaten as a porridge or feed, but as interest grows, food producers are finding new ways to use teff.

While 90% of the world’s teff crops are still grown in Ethiopia, farmers in North America, including Idaho, India, Australia and Europe have begun cultivating the grain. In the U.S., brands like Bob’s Red Mill and Maskal sell teff flour and grain.

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