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Featured this week- በዚህ ሳምንት ተለይተው የቀረቡ

AI driven Ed-tech company – Looking for Investors

AI driven Ed-tech company – Looking for Investors

Lucy Bridge Academy, is an innovative AI driven Ed-tech company committed to transforming education in Ethiopia through creative, AI-enhanced learning solutions for students from kindergarten to 12. We're addressing critical challenges that we currently face in the Ethiopian education system, such as a significant low pass rates, limited access to quality education, and outdated teaching methods, with a platform that includes comprehensive digital Library, AI-driven personalized tutoring and offline learning capabilities. Our mission is to make high-quality education accessible and engaging, especially aiming to empower women and children, and become a driving force in shaping the young minds of today for a better Ethiopia and a better Africa.

Online Parking Platform – Looking for Investors

Online Parking Platform – Looking for Investors

The platform helps users reserve their parking area remotely by accessing the free slots offered by parking area providers and using the online booking alternative provided by our company. This service has a value proposition: Convenient Booking: Easily reserve parking spots online in advance, ensuring a hassle-free experience Real-Time Updates: Receive instant availability updates and confirmations, saving time and reducing stress User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive platform design for easy navigation and seamless booking process. Secure Payments: Secure payment integration for safe and convenient transactions, offering peace of mind to users.

Real Estate - የመኖሪያ ቤት ግንባታ

Stock Market - የአክሲዮን ገበያ

Technology and Innovation - ቴክኖሎጂ እና ፈጠራ

Agriculture - ግብርና

Healthcare - የጤና ጥበቃ

Construction - ግንባታ

Art Sector- የጥበብ ዘርፍ

Education - ትምህርት

Financial Services - የፋይናንስ አገልግሎቶች

Import/Export Businesses - አስመጭና ላኪ

Manufacturing Industry - የማምረቻ ኢንዱስትሪ

Tourism and Hospitality - ቱሪዝም እና መስተንግዶ

Transportation - ትራንስፖርት

Other Investment Opportunities - ሌሎች የኢንቨስትመንት እድሎች