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Iran Desirous to Encourage Its Investors to Invest in Ethiopia’s Industrial Parks

Iran Desirous to Encourage Its Investors to Invest in Ethiopia’s Industrial Parks

Addis Ababa, August 12/2024 (ENA) Iran’s ambassador to Ethiopia, Ali Akbar, said that efforts will be made for Iranian investors to invest in industrial parks in the fields of agro processing and vehicle manufacturing and assembly.

Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) CEO, Fisseha Yitagesu received the ambassador at his office and had a discussion.

During the discussion, the two officials exchanged ideas on ways to strengthen their long-term relationship through investment.

Fisseha emphasized that the BRICS membership of both countries will serve as the foundation for their investment relationship.

He confirmed Iran’s interest in joining IPDC’s efforts to attract global investment and diversify investors in its investment centers.

The CEO additionally mentioned that other initial tasks should be done together, including the preparation of the Ethio-Iran Investment Forum.

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