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Israel airlifted him from Ethiopia. Now he’s a hi-tech entrepreneur

Israel airlifted him from Ethiopia. Now he’s a hi-tech entrepreneur

Solomon Geveye, 38, was born in the mountainous Gondar region of Ethiopia. His family was part of the historic Operation Solomon in 1991, in which more than 14,300 Ethiopian Jews were clandestinely airlifted to Israel over a 36-hour period. Today, Geveye is establishing the Haile Venture Capital Fund, the first fund of its kind to support first-generation Ethiopian-Israeli tech entrepreneurs.

“I was six years old when my parents made aliyah with five children. My other four siblings were already in Israel,” says Geveye. “I remember how excited we all were as we began our new life in Ashdod. It was a 2,000-year-old dream come true.”

For Geveye, living in Israel was a new adventure. But for his parents, it was very difficult to go from an agrarian lifestyle to a Westernized country. “My parents were such role models for me,” he says. “They had so little and worked really hard, but they accomplished so much in integrating and raising successful children.”

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