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JICA, MinT Reconnect For Three Year Startup Project

JICA, MinT Reconnect For Three Year Startup Project

A three-year startup enhancement project by the Ministry of Innovation Technology (MinT) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency Ethiopia (JICA) is set for a January greenlight. Following preliminary agreements between the two parties last week, a final proposal currently being reviewed will seal the deal.

Tadesse Anbesse, Head of the Startup Desk at Mint, explained that the project would entail an acceleration, incubation, and capacity-building program focused on tech-based Ethiopian companies. He says the primary goal of the project would be focused on more technical rather than financial support.

“Enhancement of the ecosystem is the main goal,” Tadesse told Shega.

The first phase of the project entailed a comprehensive study of the startup ecosystem in Ethiopia and profiled nearly 300 companies and 80 stakeholders. Under the second phase, there are plans to thoroughly review policies and legislation drafted for the whole startup ecosystem.

“Intensive evaluation of the startup act is also part of the plan,” the official says.

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