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Pet Bingo by Duck Duck Moose

Pet Bingo by Duck Duck Moose

Celebrate the Holidays with 50% off Pet Bingo on Google Play! Come watch your child’s understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division grow with their very own pets! Pet Bingo is a playful game for Kindergarten through Fourth Grade, that is aligned with Common Core State Standards for Math. AGES 5-10

Kids will visually learn and practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division! Pet Bingo includes unique educational hints that teachers have developed to help kids understand different math concepts. Play the mixed math mode that adapts to each kid’s level to make sure that they’re understanding the concepts while still having fun. If you’re learning multiplication, you can choose different times tables to practice. Pet Bingo includes a Report Card section where parents and teachers can monitor progress and find additional skill-building activities.


Android APP: Click here

IOS APP: Click here
