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The Hall of It

The Hall of It

Ellie Chu, a senior unsure of whether she should leave home for a distant college or stick by to help her dad, Edwin, is at a crossroad. One which, without any friends, is complicated by all she thinks about with nothing to say. If not, no one to say it to. But, Paul changes that.
You see, to make some extra money, since Edwin doesn’t make enough, Ellie writes papers for a good portion of her classmates. Paul knows about this, so he asks of Ellie to not handle his essay but help him with a love letter to Aster Flores. Someone who is already dating the most popular guy in school, but the son of a local sausage shop seems to find himself to be a good alternative.
So, together, Ellie and Paul romance Aster but as things get increasingly complicated, they also get messy.

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