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Land Deed Transfers Suspended Across Six Districts in Addis Ababa Until April

Land Deed Transfers Suspended Across Six Districts in Addis Ababa Until April

Land title and real estate transfers have been suspended for five months across six districts in Addis Ababa. The Land Holding Registration & Information Agency informed state media outlets that the ban was put in place to enable validation of deeds and onboarding onto the digital cadaster system. Aqaqi Qaliti, Nifas Silk Laphto, Kolfe Qeranyo, Bole, Yeka, and Lemi Kura districts have been selected for the cadaster registration that is set to last until April.

Around 54% of land titles in Ethiopia’s capital have been verified and onboarded into the cadaster system. The Agency has called for titleholders in the six districts to begin the process of registration and verification at their respective Woredas. Cadasters enable detailed representation of land parcels while providing comprehensive information on ownership, land size, and boundaries utilizing multiple tools.

Property and deed transfers have been subject to prolonged suspensions on multiple occasions over the past three years. Prior suspensions were attributed to the proliferation of illicit activities and the City administration’s attempt to rein in control.

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