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Natnael Belay ’20: Ethiopia’s New Bright Technology Star

Natnael Belay ’20: Ethiopia’s New Bright Technology Star

An Ethiopian proverb fits Natnael Belay ‘20 like a glove. It reads, “One who learns will eventually teach.” The proverb speaks to Belay’s personality, creativity, happiness, love, and zest for life. More importantly, it references his inquiring mind and love for education, and his strong sense of social responsibility. Belay’s life journey began in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, where he was born and raised. He fondly recalls viewing himself as a “nerd” in elementary and high school. Today, he is a widely respected and well-loved, leading Technology Program Manager for Google’s Android Jetpack Program in Cambridge, MA, where he shares his wisdom and keen knowledge of one of Google’s most significant products with colleagues and people across the nation.

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