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Powering Africa: 6,450-MW Ethiopian dam to harness Nile waters for energy

Powering Africa: 6,450-MW Ethiopian dam to harness Nile waters for energy

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), positioned on the Blue Nile, is set to become the largest hydroelectric plant in Africa and one of the top ten worldwide. GERD could make Ethiopia a major energy exporter in the region with an expected output of 6,450 megawatts, or three times the capacity of the Hoover Dam (2,080 megawatts).

This monumental project, costing approximately $5 billion, will not only boost Ethiopia’s economic growth through energy exports but also help meet local energy demands and give the country a political advantage over downstream countries. However, the project has been a source of significant regional tension due to concerns about water security and economic impacts on Egypt and Sudan.

From its exceptional technical design to the geopolitical tensions around the project, here is everything you need to know about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

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