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Preserving Culture: Ethiopia Partners with MultiChoice Africa to Tackle Piracy

Preserving Culture: Ethiopia Partners with MultiChoice Africa to Tackle Piracy

In a move to safeguard Ethiopia’s cultural heritage and bolster its creative economy, the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Sport (MOCS), the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Authority (EIPA), and MultiChoice Africa Holdings B.V. (MAH) announced the signing of a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This agreement aims to collaboratively combat piracy and enhance the protection of intellectual property rights in Ethiopia.

The MOCS is dedicated to promoting and preserving Ethiopia’s rich cultural wealth, history, language, art, and sports. EIPA, established in 2003, is responsible for administering and implementing state policies on intellectual property to strengthen IP protection in Ethiopia. As Africa’s leading entertainment company, MultiChoice Africa has been providing high-quality entertainment to Ethiopian subscribers for nearly three decades, fostering a strong connection with its audience and contributing significantly to the local media landscape.

The MoU builds upon previous collaborations under the Partners Against Piracy (PAP) program, MAH’s Pan-African initiative to combat piracy. It further solidifies the strategic partnership among the three entities, underscoring their shared commitment to address the escalating threat of piracy, which impacts creators, the economy, and cultural heritage.

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