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Project Spotlight: Ethiopian Jews Make Aliyah

Project Spotlight: Ethiopian Jews Make Aliyah

Heart-Warming and Unforgettable

Marki told us that ever since he found out he was going to finally make aliyah with The Fellowship, the smile has not left his face. “We have been waiting here for aliyah for 17 years. We came here from a tiny village [in Ethiopia] and finally, thanks to The Fellowship, our dream is coming true.” Marki, 32, made aliyah with his wife Nibret, 30, and his two small children Workito, 9, and Havtami, 3. In Ethiopia, the family lived in a small house with no running water in Gondor, which they rented in hopes to make aliyah soon—but they’ve been waiting for years.

“We heard about The Fellowship and understood that there was hope that someone would take us to the Holy Land,” says Nibret. “My father already made aliyah to Israel ten years ago and I have not seen him since. I want to cry from the excitement that I will finally see my father again. My father is also very emotional to see me and the grandchildren. We have been talking on the telephone for so many years. They will come to the airport to meet us.”

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