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600 Griffith University Scholarships In Australia 2025

600 Griffith University Scholarships In Australia 2025

Application is invited to apply for Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship In Australia. This year Griffith University offers more than 600 international Australian scholarships for master’s and doctoral (Ph.D.) studies. This is one of the best chances for an international student to study in Australia with the GUIPRS scholarship 2025.

The Duration of Griffith University’s master’s scholarship is 2 years and the doctoral scholarship duration will be 3 years. Applicant belonging to any country is eligible to apply for the Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship. All-Academic Disciplines in all the Fields & majors are available.

Griffith University is a public research university in southeast Queensland, on the east coast of Australia. Formally founded in 1971, Griffith opened its doors in 1975, presenting Australia’s first degrees in environmental science and Asian studies.

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