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Jiangsu University Presidential Scholarship 2024-25 in China

Jiangsu University Presidential Scholarship 2024-25 in China

Applications are invited to apply for the Jiangsu University Presidential Scholarship 2024-25 in China. Jiangsu Provincial Government in collaboration with Jiangsu University is actively offering a lucrative scholarship scheme to international students for the academic year 2024. All International Students are eligible to apply for Fully Funded Scholarship in China. The award is available for Students from all over the globe to Pursue a Bachelor’s DegreeMaster’s Degree or PhD Degree from China.

This program is targeted toward improving the profile of Jiangsu Education to the world and supporting the higher education of overseas students. This is a very helpful program through which you can earn quality education in China without worrying about educational expenses.

Jiangsu University is formed as Sanjiang Normal College in 1902 making it one of the oldest higher education institutions in China. It was opened by merging the former Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang Medical College, and Zhenjiang Teachers’ College. The university holds a global reputation for excellence in education and research. In addition to education, they encourage students to gain practical experience and demonstrate creativity.

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