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Konrad Adenauer Visiting Scholarship In Canada 2026

Konrad Adenauer Visiting Scholarship In Canada 2026

Are you a scholar with expertise in transatlantic relations looking to expand your academic and professional horizons? The Centre for European Studies (CES) at Carleton University, in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Foundation Office Canada, is offering an exciting opportunity for academics to become the Konrad Adenauer Visiting Scholar for the Fall 2025 term. This prestigious scholarship allows scholars to immerse themselves in a vibrant academic environment, teach graduate students, and engage with policymakers and researchers in Ottawa, Canada.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about this incredible opportunity, including eligibility criteria, benefits, required documents, and how to apply. Let’s dive in!

Click here to learn more
