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Malta Government Endeavour Scholarship 2024-25

Malta Government Endeavour Scholarship 2024-25

Are you ready to study in Malta? Malta is a small European Union country. In today’s post, I will tell you about the Malta Government Endeavour Scholarship, also known as the Endeavour II Scholarship Scheme. The scholarship financially supports young students and adults to pursue Masters and PhD programs. You will learn what opportunities are in demand in Malta. The Endeavour scholarship aims to enhance the capabilities of individuals which will help towards Malta’s economic development.

Recipients of this scholarship will be exempted from paying tuition fees and will get a chance to study in leading higher education institutes in Malta. The scheme is financed by the European Union. Malta Government is sure that the Postgraduate education plays an important role in any country’s economic and social agenda. More details about the scholarship requirements, and the eligibility criteria are given below.

Click here to learn more
