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Sabanci University Scholarship In Turkey 2025

Sabanci University Scholarship In Turkey 2025

Application is invited to apply for Sabanci University Scholarship In Turkey 2025. This is a fully-funded Turkish university scholarship for an international student to undertake Undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees. Nowadays turkey is considered one of the best study-abroad destinations for foreign students.

Sabancı University is the top Turkish university in Times Higher Education (THE) “Young University Rankings 2019”. Sabanci University offers all types of scholarships for all major academic fields available at the University. There is no separate scholarship application required for the Sabanci University scholarship.

They have a vast range of subjects for bachelor’s Scholarships, master’s Scholarships, and Ph.D. Scholarships. Currently, there are around 650,000 foreign students in Turkey, signaling the country’s growing importance as a higher education destination.

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