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SBW Berlin Scholarship In Germany 2025

SBW Berlin Scholarship In Germany 2025

Application is invited to apply for SBW  Berlin Germany Scholarship 2025. The SBW  Berlin scholarship is for international students and young people from abroad who are already socially committed and will use the skills they acquire during their studies and thereafter to develop social or non-profit projects at non-profit organizations or social institutions in their home countries.

SBW Berlin awards scholarships based on professional qualifications, personal suitability, and financial need to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree program at a university or a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) in Berlin or Potsdam. In principle, all scientific, social, and artistic disciplines can be funded.

Interested applicants are required to have been working with a non-profit organization or social institution in their home countries. This is an important prerequisite for the SBW  Berlin Scholarship. Highlighted here is the applicants’ previous social commitment and their general motivation therefor.

Click here to learn more
