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UESTC Chinese Government Scholarship 2024-25 in China

UESTC Chinese Government Scholarship 2024-25 in China

Applications are invited to apply for the UESTC Chinese Government Scholarship 2024-25 in China.  The Chinese Government Scholarship is a Fully Funded Scholarship for International Students by the Ministry of Education China. Students from all over the globe are eligible to apply for the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chinese Government Scholarship 2024. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China CSC Scholarship is available for Master’s Degree and PhD Degree in China to pursue education free. This award is available for the academic year of 2024-2025.

The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) was established in 1956 and is a public research university Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The university is home to over 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students, and has a strong emphasis on research and innovation. It has partnerships with numerous international universities and research institutions, and its faculty and students are known for their contributions to the fields of electronic engineering, computer science, and related disciplines. UESTC is a comprehensive university that also offers a wide range of programs in other fields, including business, humanities, and social sciences.

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