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University of Otago Scholarships 2024-25 in New Zealand

University of Otago Scholarships 2024-25 in New Zealand

Applications are opened to apply for the University of Otago Scholarships 2024-25 in New Zealand. All International Students from any part of the Globe are eligible to apply for International Research Scholarships. This award is offered by University of Otago in New Zealand.  The students those who want to pursue their Masters Degree or PhD Degree from well reputed university. Fully Funded Scholarships are available for the academic session of 2024-2025.

Almost all academic fields and majors are available at University of Otago to undertake a Postgraduate Research Degree programs. The university will provide all the expenses to study abroad.

The University of Otago was established in 1869 is a 2nd highest ranked research university in the Otago, New Zealand. More than 20,000 National and International Students studying in the university.

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