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University of Padua Scholarship 2025-26 in Italy

University of Padua Scholarship 2025-26 in Italy

Applications are invited to apply for the University of Padua Scholarship 2025-26 in Italy. All International Students from all over the world are eligible to apply for the University of Padova Fully Funded Scholarship in Italy. Students those who want to study in Italy on Fully Funded Scholarship are encouraged to apply. The scholarships are available to Pursue Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree. Students whose previous degree taught language was English can Apply Without IELTS in Padova University. The scholarship is available for academic session of 2025-2026.

Almost All Academic Fields & Majors are available to Study at University of Padua. The awards are available for excellent students to build their future from Europe. This award will cover all necessary expenses to complete your degree.

The University of Padua (UNIPD) was established in 1220 is an Italian University. This the 2nd oldest university in the world. UNIPD ranked at 5th in the world while 2nd in Italy. More than 65,000 students from all over the world are currently studying in the university.

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