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Suspect, 65, flew into city from Ethiopia and was arrested when drugs found in his rucksack

Suspect, 65, flew into city from Ethiopia and was arrested when drugs found in his rucksack

Hong Kong customs has arrested a 65-year-old man who arrived from Ethiopia for allegedly trafficking 2kg (4.4lbs) of cocaine worth HK$2.1 million (US$268,623) hidden in three book covers, authorities said on Sunday.

The traveller arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Friday and was arrested as he went through customs.

Customs officers found 2kg of suspected cocaine, with an estimated market value of HK$2.1 million, concealed in the linings of three book covers in his rucksack.

He has been charged with one count of trafficking in a dangerous drug.

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