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Telegram Ads 101: A Beginner’s Guide for Businesses in Ethiopia

Telegram Ads 101: A Beginner’s Guide for Businesses in Ethiopia

For several years now, promoting your brand or products on Telegram channels has been a common practice in the country. Telegram is Ethiopia’s most used messaging platform, and businesses of all sizes, from MSMEs to large corporations, leverage Telegram channels to reach their audience.

Channel owners set prices (often per post) based on their channels’ average estimated viewership or subscriber count.

In my experience working in digital marketing for the past four years, I’ve negotiated with numerous channel owners based on their estimated average views to run campaigns of varying success.

Most channel owners base their prices on subscriber count instead of average views, which is one of the biggest problems during the negotiation stage. Yet even then, there’s no guarantee they’ll promote your content on the agreed-upon terms, and it often relies solely on their reputation, as it’s not commonplace to have a signed agreement just to promote posts on Telegram.

Broadcast channels on Telegram generate one trillion views every month. Telegram, leveraging this, lets channel owners with more than 1,000 subscribers send sponsored messages right to their audience.

With this tool, digital marketers and businesses can manage their ads and budgets, choose where their ads will be displayed, and monitor their performance.

Click her to learn more


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